Bender Publications

Alternative splicing potentiates dysfunction of early-onset epileptic encephalopathy SCN2A variants.

The Journal of general physiology

Thompson CH, Ben-Shalom R, Bender KJ, George AL

The Autism-Associated Gene Scn2a Contributes to Dendritic Excitability and Synaptic Function in the Prefrontal Cortex.


Spratt PWE, Ben-Shalom R, Keeshen CM, Burke KJ, Clarkson RL, Sanders SJ, Bender KJ

Modulation of Ion Channels in the Axon: Mechanisms and Function.

Frontiers in cellular neuroscience

Burke KJ, Bender KJ

Author Correction: The CaMKII/NMDA receptor complex controls hippocampal synaptic transmission by kinase-dependent and independent mechanisms.

Nature communications

Incontro S, Díaz-Alonso J, Iafrati J, Vieira M, Asensio CS, Sohal VS, Roche KW, Bender KJ, Nicoll RA

Two Forms of Synaptic Depression Produced by Differential Neuromodulation of Presynaptic Calcium Channels.


Burke KJ, Keeshen CM, Bender KJ

The Psychiatric Cell Map Initiative: A Convergent Systems Biological Approach to Illuminating Key Molecular Pathways in Neuropsychiatric Disorders.


Willsey AJ, Morris MT, Wang S, Willsey HR, Sun N, Teerikorpi N, Baum TB, Cagney G, Bender KJ, Desai TA, Srivastava D, Davis GW, Doudna J, Chang E, Sohal V, Lowenstein DH, Li H, Agard D, Keiser MJ, Shoichet B, von Zastrow M, Mucke L, Finkbeiner S, Gan L, Sestan N, Ward ME, Huttenhain R, Nowakowski TJ, Bellen HJ, Frank LM, Khokha MK, Lifton RP, Kampmann M, Ideker T, State MW, Krogan NJ

The CaMKII/NMDA receptor complex controls hippocampal synaptic transmission by kinase-dependent and independent mechanisms.

Nature communications

Incontro S, Díaz-Alonso J, Iafrati J, Vieira M, Asensio CS, Sohal VS, Roche KW, Bender KJ, Nicoll RA

Progress in Understanding and Treating SCN2A-Mediated Disorders.

Trends in neurosciences

Sanders SJ, Campbell AJ, Cottrell JR, Moller RS, Wagner FF, Auldridge AL, Bernier RA, Catterall WA, Chung WK, Empfield JR, George AL, Hipp JF, Khwaja O, Kiskinis E, Lal D, Malhotra D, Millichap JJ, Otis TS, Petrou S, Pitt G, Schust LF, Taylor CM, Tjernagel J, Spiro JE, Bender KJ

Serotonin enhances excitability and gamma frequency temporal integration in mouse prefrontal fast-spiking interneurons.


Athilingam JC, Ben-Shalom R, Keeshen CM, Sohal VS, Bender KJ

Prosapip1-Dependent Synaptic Adaptations in the Nucleus Accumbens Drive Alcohol Intake, Seeking, and Reward.


Laguesse S, Morisot N, Shin JH, Liu F, Adrover MF, Sakhai SA, Lopez MF, Phamluong K, Griffin WC, Becker HC, Bender KJ, Alvarez VA, Ron D

Social Control of Hypothalamus-Mediated Male Aggression.


Yang T, Yang CF, Chizari MD, Maheswaranathan N, Burke KJ, Borius M, Inoue S, Chiang MC, Bender KJ, Ganguli S, Shah NM

Tonic or Phasic Stimulation of Dopaminergic Projections to Prefrontal Cortex Causes Mice to Maintain or Deviate from Previously Learned Behavioral Strategies.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Ellwood IT, Patel T, Wadia V, Lee AT, Liptak AT, Bender KJ, Sohal VS

Periadolescent Maturation of GABAergic Hyperpolarization at the Axon Initial Segment.

Cell reports

Rinetti-Vargas G, Phamluong K, Ron D, Bender KJ

D3 Receptors Regulate Excitability in a Unique Class of Prefrontal Pyramidal Cells.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Clarkson RL, Liptak AT, Gee SM, Sohal VS, Bender KJ

A Visible-Light-Sensitive Caged Serotonin.

ACS chemical neuroscience

Cabrera R, Filevich O, García-Acosta B, Athilingam J, Bender KJ, Poskanzer KE, Etchenique R

Opposing Effects on NaV1.2 Function Underlie Differences Between SCN2A Variants Observed in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder or Infantile Seizures.

Biological psychiatry

Ben-Shalom R, Keeshen CM, Berrios KN, An JY, Sanders SJ, Bender KJ

ß-Arrestin-Dependent Dopaminergic Regulation of Calcium Channel Activity in the Axon Initial Segment.

Cell reports

Yang S, Ben-Shalom R, Ahn M, Liptak AT, van Rijn RM, Whistler JL, Bender KJ

Medial amygdalar aromatase neurons regulate aggression in both sexes.

Cell reports

Unger EK, Burke KJ, Yang CF, Bender KJ, Fuller PM, Shah NM

Interlamellar CA1 network in the hippocampus.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Yang S, Yang S, Moreira T, Hoffman G, Carlson GC, Bender KJ, Alger BE, Tang CM

Two-photon compatibility and single-voxel, single-trial detection of subthreshold neuronal activity by a two-component optical voltage sensor.

PloS one

Fink AE, Bender KJ, Trussell LO, Otis TS, DiGregorio DA

The physiology of the axon initial segment.

Annual review of neuroscience

Bender KJ, Trussell LO

Short- and long-term plasticity at the axon initial segment.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Grubb MS, Shu Y, Kuba H, Rasband MN, Wimmer VC, Bender KJ

Control of firing patterns through modulation of axon initial segment T-type calcium channels.

The Journal of physiology

Bender KJ, Uebele VN, Renger JJ, Trussell LO

Synaptic plasticity in inhibitory neurons of the auditory brainstem.


Bender KJ, Trussell LO

Dopaminergic modulation of axon initial segment calcium channels regulates action potential initiation.


Bender KJ, Ford CP, Trussell LO

Endocannabinoid signaling is required for development and critical period plasticity of the whisker map in somatosensory cortex.


Li L, Bender KJ, Drew PJ, Jadhav SP, Sylwestrak E, Feldman DE

Dendritic calcium channels and their activation by synaptic signals in auditory coincidence detector neurons.

Journal of neurophysiology

Blackmer T, Kuo SP, Bender KJ, Apostolides PF, Trussell LO

Axon initial segment Ca2+ channels influence action potential generation and timing.


Bender KJ, Trussell LO

CB1 receptor signaling is required for whisker map development and plasticity in rat somatosensory cortex.

International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience

L. Li, K.J. Bender, P.J. Drew, E. Sylwestrak, D.E. Feldman

Fidelity of complex spike-mediated synaptic transmission between inhibitory interneurons.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Roberts MT, Bender KJ, Trussell LO

Postnatal development of cannabinoid receptor type 1 expression in rodent somatosensory cortex.


Deshmukh S, Onozuka K, Bender KJ, Bender VA, Lutz B, Mackie K, Feldman DE

Synaptic basis for whisker deprivation-induced synaptic depression in rat somatosensory cortex.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Bender KJ, Allen CB, Bender VA, Feldman DE

Two coincidence detectors for spike timing-dependent plasticity in somatosensory cortex.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Bender VA, Bender KJ, Brasier DJ, Feldman DE

LTD as a Mechanism for Map Plasticity in Rat Barrel Cortex.

Kevin J. Bender, Suvarna Deshmukh, Daniel E. Feldman

Development of columnar topography in the excitatory layer 4 to layer 2/3 projection in rat barrel cortex.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Bender KJ, Rangel J, Feldman DE

Overexpression of monomeric and multimeric GIRK4 subunits in rat atrial myocytes removes fast desensitization and reduces inward rectification of muscarinic K(+) current (I(K(ACh))). Evidence for functional homomeric GIRK4 channels.

The Journal of biological chemistry

Bender K, Wellner-Kienitz MC, Inanobe A, Meyer T, Kurachi Y, Pott L

Inheritance of cis-AB in three generations (family Lam.).

Vox sanguinis

Hummel K, Badet J, Bauermeister W, Bender K, Duffner G, Lopez M, Mauff G, Pulverer G, Salmon C, Schmidts W